Resolved -
We fixed the degraded performance and all our systems are back online and functional.
Feb 27, 16:49 CET
Monitoring -
We fixed the issue which caused the degraded performance and we are monitoring the results.
We will update our status page with new information as soon as possible.
Feb 27, 16:26 CET
Identified -
Our engineers identified the underlying root cause for the degraded performance and are working on the resolution. We will update our status page with new information as soon as possible.
Feb 27, 14:19 CET
Investigating -
Impact: Degraded performance
Customer impact: A subset of our users are currently experiencing in our WebUI empty device groups. Our engineers have not yet confirmed the underlying root cause and they are working on the identification. We will update our status page with new information as soon as possible.
Affected component: TeamViewer Services (WebUI)
Recommended public communication: The affected customers can use the TeamViewer Management Console for the Device Groups at the moment.
Feb 27, 13:25 CET